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Sacred and Classic: James Steele, Saxophone - Kurt Kaiser, Piano

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome to Kurt's Blog!

Kurt Kaiser's professional credentials are impeccable in church music circles. As a composer, Kurt's music has been a key element in the growth of modern day church music. Crossing denominational boundaries, many of Kurt's compositions have found their way into a number of hymnals. Kurt has achieved subtle trend changes by maintaining a sensitivity to that which is widely acceptable. His innovative approach has broadened musical styles that are palatable to the church at large. Associations with the Eastman School of Music and the Baylor University acapella choir, as well as many other fine choral groups are indicative of his taste for fine choral literature. Kurt finds it equally challenging to assist volunteer choirs to enjoy singing while bettering their art.
Here is Kurt's arrangement of O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing for cello and piano:

(from the album Hymns, see tab on right to purchase CD's or MP3's)

1 comment:

Connie said...

Kurt, In 1995 you wrote a song for the Woodland Park Community Church (Woodland Park, Colorado)when we moved into our new building. If memory serves correctly, you directed the choir. If I had the music, I have lost it. Any chance you still have a copy of it? A friend & I have been discussing it lately & would love to hear it again! Thanks! Connie

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